
35+ AI Tools to Take Your Productivity to the Next Level

You’ve heard it all before. The future is AI. Artificial intelligence is the next big thing. AI Tools to Take Your Productivity to the Next Level, But how can AI impact you and your productivity today? Turns out there are tons of AI-powered tools you can use right now to get more done in less time.

We scoured the internet and tested dozens of options to bring you the best free AI productivity tools. Whether you want to automate repetitive tasks, get personalized recommendations, improve your writing, or boost your creativity, these AI tools have you covered. In just a few clicks you can tap into advanced technologies like machine learning and natural language processing to enhance your productivity.

Ready to take your productivity to the next level with the help of artificial intelligence? Check out these 35+ free AI tools to boost your productibity, reduce busywork, and help you work smarter every single day. The future of productivity is here.

AI Writing Tools to Automate Content Creation

AI writing tools can help automatically generate content for you, whether you need blog posts, social media updates, or product descriptions. These tools use natural language processing to analyze your input and produce original copy in your own writing style.

AI Tools to Take Your Productivity

Some top AI writing tools are:

  1. Anthropic AI – Free tool that helps write blog posts, social media updates, and more in your own voice. Just give it a topic and length, and it will generate a draft for you to revise.
  2. CopyAI – This free tool helps generate marketing copy for ads, landing pages, emails, and other materials. Just enter a few details about your product or service and CopyAI will instantly generate relevant copy.
  3. Rytr – For a monthly fee, Rytr can generate long-form blog posts, product pages, newsletters, and other content based on your input. It continues to learn from the content you create to match your brand voice.
  4. Article Forge – This AI writing tool specializes in generating blog posts and articles. Provide a topic, keywords, and length, and Article Forge will automatically create a draft post for you in perfect English. Plans start at $19/month.
  5. Copysmith – Input a product name, description, and benefits, and Copysmith will generate relevant marketing copy, ads, landing pages, and more. Plans start at $29/month but you can try it free for 7 days.
  6. OpenAI’s ChatGPT: ChatGPT is an AI language model that can generate text based on prompts provided. It can assist in writing blog posts, articles, and creative pieces.
  7. offers a suite of AI writing tools, including a blog post generator, ad copy generator, and social media post writer. It helps in generating engaging and persuasive content.
  8. is an AI-powered writing assistant that can help in creating blog posts, product descriptions, social media content, and more. It offers features like blog post outlines and content improver.
  9. Wordtune: Wordtune uses AI to provide writing suggestions and alternatives for improving clarity, conciseness, and style. It can enhance the overall quality of your content.
  10. Grammarly: Grammarly is a widely-used AI writing tool that checks grammar, spelling, punctuation, and provides suggestions for improving your writing. It can be used as a browser extension or within various writing platforms.
  11. ProWritingAid: ProWritingAid is an AI-powered writing assistant that analyzes your text for grammar, style, readability, and offers suggestions for improvement. It can be integrated with popular writing platforms.
  12. Quillbot: Quillbot is an AI paraphrasing tool that can help in rephrasing sentences, improving readability, and generating alternative word choices. It assists in creating unique and well-structured content.
  13. Articoolo: Articoolo uses AI to generate unique articles based on keywords or topics. It can be a valuable tool for content creation and idea generation.
  14. ShortlyAI: ShortlyAI is an AI writing tool that helps in generating content, creating outlines, and expanding ideas. It uses GPT-3 technology to generate human-like text.
  15. SEOContentMachine: SEOContentMachine is an AI-powered content generator that focuses on creating SEO-friendly articles and blog posts. It can help in generating keyword-rich content to improve search engine rankings.
  16. Headlime: Headlime is an AI copywriting tool that assists in creating catchy headlines, email subject lines, and ad copy. It uses GPT-3 to generate attention-grabbing text.
  17. Writesonic: Writesonic offers various AI writing tools, including blog post and article generators, social media post writer, landing page generator, and more. It helps in creating content for different marketing channels.
  18. ContentBot: ContentBot is an AI writing tool that can generate content for blog posts, product descriptions, and social media posts. It offers a user-friendly interface for easy content creation.
  19. ClosersCopy: ClosersCopy is an AI-powered copywriting tool that focuses on creating sales copy and persuasive marketing content. It offers templates and suggestions to improve conversion rates.
  20. Buzzsumo: Buzzsumo uses AI to analyze content performance and identify popular topics in your industry. It can help in generating content ideas and optimizing your content strategy.
  21. Atomic Reach: Atomic Reach uses AI to analyze and optimize your content for readability, tone, and engagement. It provides actionable insights to improve the effectiveness of your writing.
  22. offers an AI-powered content generator that can create blog posts, articles, social media posts, and more. It provides a seamless content creation experience.
  23. AI-Writer: AI-Writer is an AI writing tool that can generate articles, blog posts, product descriptions, and more. It offers customizable templates and industry-specific writing styles.
  24. Text Blaze: Text Blaze is an AI-powered text expansion tool that saves time by automating repetitive writing tasks. It can be used for email templates, snippets, and form filling.
  25. Phrasee: Phrasee is an AI-powered copywriting tool that specializes in email subject lines and marketing copy. It uses natural language processing to generate engaging and effective text.
  26. is an AI writing tool that can create blog posts, articles, and social media content. It uses advanced algorithms to generate high-quality and unique content.
  27. provides an AI copywriting tool that can generate sales copy, landing page content, and social media captions. It offers templates and suggestions to enhance your marketing content.
  28. offers an AI-powered writing assistant that can help in creating blog posts, articles, and social media content. It offers features like blog post outlines and content improver.
  29. Textmetrics: Textmetrics uses AI to analyze and optimize your content for SEO. It provides suggestions for improving keyword usage, readability, and overall content quality.
  30. Lumen5: Lumen5 is an AI-powered video creation tool that can turn your text content into engaging videos. It automates the process of video creation, saving time and effort.
  31. AnswerThePublic: AnswerThePublic uses AI to generate content ideas by analyzing search queries and providing related topics. It helps in understanding what your audience is looking for.

With AI writing tools, you can automatically generate draft content in your own voice and style. Revise the content as needed to ensure high quality, but these tools can save you a ton of time creating content from scratch. Give a few options a try and see which one matches your needs and budget. Your productivity will thank you!

AI Meeting Tools to Make Meetings More Effective

When it comes to making meetings more effective and productive, AI-powered tools can help in several ways. Here are a few options to try:

Automated Meeting Summaries

AI services like Anthropic’s Claude, Anthropic’s Constitutional AI, and Microsoft’s Azure Cognitive Services can provide automated meeting summaries. They analyze discussions in real time and capture key points, action items, questions, and decisions. This allows attendees to stay focused on the conversation instead of taking notes and ensures important takeaways are recorded accurately.

Smart Scheduling Assistance

Trying to find a time for a meeting that works for everyone can be frustrating. AI scheduling tools such as, Doodle, and Calendly can understand everyone’s availability and suggest optimal times to meet based on your calendars. They also allow meeting participants to vote on options so you can quickly settle on a time that suits most people.

Virtual Meeting Facilitation

Leading productive meetings, especially virtual ones, takes skill and experience. AI services like Anthropic’s Claude and Anthropic’s Constitutional AI can act as an virtual facilitator to help guide discussions and keep people on track. For example, they can suggest an agenda, pose discussion questions, call on quiet attendees, and gently redirect off-topic conversations. Their involvement helps ensure inclusive, focused meetings where all voices are heard.

AI will not replace traditional meeting tools and techniques altogether, but these innovative services demonstrate how artificial intelligence may enhance and improve meetings through automation, smart recommendations, and virtual facilitation. By incorporating some of these AI tools into your meeting workflow, you’ll benefit from more effective discussions, saved time, reduced frustration, and optimized productivity. What’s not to like about that?

AI Email Tools to Manage Your Inbox

AI-Powered Inbox Assistants

When you’re drowning in unread emails, AI tools can help you stay afloat. Inbox assistants use artificial intelligence to automatically triage your emails by sorting, filtering and prioritizing them. Some can even draft responses for you.

  • Anthropic’s Claude is an AI assistant focused on managing your inbox. It can categorize, schedule and filter emails as well as suggest quick replies to low-priority messages.
  • Astro’s AI helps declutter your inbox by bundling related emails together and highlighting the most important ones. It provides smart folders and filters to quickly find what you need.
  •’s scheduling assistant Amy can help take meeting scheduling off your plate. Just CC [email protected] on your emails and she’ll automatically find times when all attendees are free and suggest a meeting.

Smart Replies and Email Drafting Tools

For those times you’re in a rush, AI tools that suggest quick replies and draft emails for you can be a lifesaver.

  • Boomerang’s Respondable uses natural language processing to suggest a variety of appropriate responses to emails that only require a short reply. Just select a suggestion, and it will automatically send the response for you.
  • Anthropic’s Claude (mentioned above) can also suggest short replies for low-priority emails that it detects only require a quick response. Its responses aim to match your natural communication style and tone.
  • Google’s Smart Compose for Gmail uses AI to suggest relevant responses and greetings, and automatically completes common phrases and sentences as you type to help you draft emails faster.

With AI tools built to tackle the tedious parts of email, your inbox doesn’t have to feel so overwhelming. Give some of these assistants a try and get ready to have more time for the high-priority tasks on your plate. The future of productivity is automated, and your new AI companions are here to help.

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AI Personal Assistant Tools to Handle Daily Tasks

AI assistants are like digital helpers ready to handle basic yet time-consuming tasks so you can focus on more important work. Many are free or offer freemium models to get you started.


Clara is an AI assistant focused on managing your schedule and to-do list. Just forward your emails to Clara and she’ll automatically add any tasks, events or reminders to your calendar. She uses natural language processing to determine the most relevant details like dates, times, locations and task descriptions. Clara is free to use and integrates with common calendar services like Google and Outlook.

Anthropic Assistant

This conversational AI can handle various requests like managing to-do lists and calendars, controlling smart home devices, playing music, searching the web and more. It has a simple web interface where you type in commands and the assistant responds in a friendly, natural way. The assistant gets smarter over time by learning your preferences and habits. It is free to use and the code is open source.


Claude is an AI assistant made for busy professionals and teams. It can schedule meetings, take meeting notes, set reminders, manage tasks and to-do lists. Claude integrates with tools like Gmail, Google Calendar and Slack. The assistant gets smarter the more you use it, learning your preferences, vocabulary, and voice. Plans start at $8 per month.

• Simplify scheduling by having Claude suggest and book meeting times that work with everyone’s calendar.

• Stay on top of tasks and deadlines by creating to-do lists that Claude will remind you about.

• Have Claude take and share meeting notes so you can focus on participating fully in discussions. Notes are automatically organized and sharable.

• Enable any team member to delegate basic tasks to Claude through Slack or email by typing in natural language.

• Track how productive you and your teams are and see reports with metrics like tasks completed, time spent in meetings, emails responded to and more. Make data-driven decisions to improve processes.

With AI assistants at your disposal, you can achieve more each day and avoid burnout by automating routine responsibilities. Choose tools with capabilities tailored to your needs and with an interface you find most helpful and intuitive.


So there you have it – over 35 free AI tools to boost your productibity to the next level. With the power of artificial intelligence at your fingertips, you’ll wonder how you ever got anything done without the help of technology. Whether you need help organizing your tasks, improving your writing, simplifying your workflows or managing your time more efficiently, the right AI tool is out there waiting for you. What are you waiting for? Pick a few tools from our list and start boosting your productivity today. Before you know it, you’ll be getting more done in less time and with less effort. The future is here – so take advantage of it!

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